I'd never heard of Cara but googled and it looks like it might work well. You're right about Instagram and my own account is small and private but I still get hounded by dubious male follow requests and find it difficult to interact with anyone I follow unless I search their name to see their posts. I like Substack so far and have switched off the AI training option in the settings but I'm guessing there's lots of places where that would be ignored and copyright infringed. (If you have windows, you can watermark your images by going to your photo editor and pressing the Alt button. Keeping it depressed and using the numbers on your numerical keypad, press 0169 This is what you get © which you can follow with your name etc.) My website gets thousands of visitors a week and most of it is AI or spam. I only get about 3 real people a week!!!! Anyway, long comment sorry. Love the pots and your daily notes.

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Hi Annabel, there's something called Glaze which you can use to modify your images to protect them from the AI generators regardless of where you then post them - website, Insta etc. I've not tried it yet, but here's the link https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu

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Thanks Laura, predictably I hadn't heard of this! I've downloaded it - it says it worked even better with watermarked images so I think I'll continue to do that for some, but I'm hoping it will work well as an addition or where I forget. It takes a long time to download (about 40 mins) but once you have it, you don't need to add to it again. I'll let you know if I find it easy to use and if it works ok.

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Good advice, Annabel. Thanks

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YES. I am glad you said that Annabel! I do not use Messenger because all I get are strange men requesting "friendship" or whatever!! Do NOT want to go there. Not interested in someone posing as someone else who is in some far away part of the world and trying to get you to send them money with a made up sob story!

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I just spent about 10 minutes with Cara. I’ve seen 3 non-digital images. The rest all look the same to me. I don’t think I care enough about social media to try a new one. I’ve given up on IG and only occasionally look.

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Me too. Tired of Social Media and do not care to try another one unless someone tells me why it is better. Won't it get just as big and change the same way?

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I hadn’t heard of Cara, but I’ll check it out. Thanks for mentioning it!

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Excellent!! Thank you for your Substack Posts. I enjoy the format so much more and it feels more secure and personal. I think people are just learning about it and certainly, after the Quilt Show, you will have LOADS of people joining. I appreciate you and your mom being such good role models to make Art as a profession which is my eventual goal as well.

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And what a characterful cat! Well spotted Amelie.

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I haven’t tried following your notes, Laura, but really enjoy these newsletters. And that you are recording them too; a user-friendly touch, especially for listening on the metro.

This newsletter is delightful, taking me on an art trail out of suburbia!!

And yes! Well done snaffling those pots! Superb additions.

Thank you and keep ‘em coming…

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